Assalamu’alaikum …
Our server received the following message when sending notification to @hotmail, @outlook, @live (MSN email) …
550 SC-001 (SNT004-MC3F32) Unfortunately, messages from weren’t
sent. Please contact your Internet service provider since part of their network is
on our block list. You can also refer your provider to
When this happens, our server will automatically mark your email address as bounced and will ask you to re-verify your email address (Alamat Emel Belum Disahkan).
It seems that MSN has blacklisted our IP.
As per this posting our IP are clean and not listed in any known blocklist world wide.
a) Try reactivating again …
Login di myJodoh > Pusat Kawalan > Tukar & Sahkan Alamat emel … click on Hantar Emel Pengesahan.
Check your inbox or Junk Mail folder. If the mail doesn’t bounce, it should be there. Please allow ample time for the email to arrive.
b) Change email address…
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